MALAYSIA SALES & SERVICE TAX (SST) MALAYSIA SALES & SERVICE TAX (SST) Penang, Malaysia, Perai Service | Cendana Outsourcing Sdn Bhd

Under the Service Tax Act 2018,  the company must register when the value of taxable services for a 12-month period exceeds a threshold of RM500,000.00. The SST threshold for operation of restaurants, bars, canteens, cafes or any place that provides food and drinks, are subject to a RM1,500,00.00 threshold.

The service tax rate is fixed at 6%, and the list of service subject to it includes hotels, insurance, gaming, legal and accounting services, advertising, parking and electricity.

The Sales Tax Act 2018 is levied at the import or manufacturing levels, and companies with a sales value of taxable goods exceeding RM 500,000 in a 12-month period are liable to be registered for the tax, which is levied at rates varying from 5% to 10% depending on the goods supply category.

Companies who are SST-Registered must file a report every 2 months.

Outsource SST Package:

  • Recording and classifying the Sales amount with the respective Sales/Service Tax (Based on sales invoice prepared by the Company)
  • Compiling data required by extracting information from accounting Record.
  • Prepare Reconciliation worksheet to established reported tally with the financial report
  • Complete & submit your SST Form 02
  • Assist on payment submission.
  • Monitoring the Service Tax payable in the balance sheet to ensure payment of Service tax is made payable within twelve (12) months from the date of the invoice.

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